Build CubicSDR for Arch Linux

Currently, there is no prebuilt binary in Arch package repository. And the AppImage in Github release page is too old to run. So I have to build it myself.

Why Not AUR

There are cubicsdr-git and cubicsdr in AUR.

I tried cubicsdr-git, it need to compile WxWidgets, which is super time-consuming.

Hey, we already have prebuilt WxWidgets in Arch package repository, why bother to compile an old version?

Building CubisSDR

You can follow dependencies list in cubicsdr-git.

Some dependencies like freeglut are already installed in my machine.

So I just install some new dependencies:

pacman -S wxwidgets-gtk3 hamlib soapysdr liquid-dsp

Clone and build:

git clone
cd CubicSDR
mkdir build
cd build
make -j $(nproc)


You still need soapy plugins for your device. For rtl-sdr:

pacman -S soapyrtlsdr
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